Visit to Tamil Nadu by the Managing Trustee of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, Sri RJ Ratnakar | Day 2
Visit to Tamil Nadu by Sri RJ Ratnakar | Day 1 | Paduka Pratishta at Sundaram, Chennai | June 08, 20
Come Little Children | Narrate Your Experiences
Australia - Winter packs give much needed warmth this winter to Aboriginal families.
Mauritius-Kickstart of the Sai Elite Preps Programme for Young Adults-Career Guidance Workshop
South Africa - Pet Seva Workshop
South Africa - National Gayathri Hawan
South Africa - National Online Bhajans
Zone 5 - Celebrating the Divine Mother Eswaramma by SSSGC Singapore
Zone 5 - Pet Adoption Drive by Protem SSS Global Organisation Malaysia
India - Visit of Sri RJ Rathnakar to Karnataka | Day 3 - Dharwad
Australia - Cultural Harmony celebrated with other faiths & communities in Sydney community fair.
India - Visit of Sri RJ Rathnakar to Karnataka | Day 2 - Neelavani
India - Visit of Sri RJ Rathnakar to Karnataka | Day 2 - Yallapura
India - Visit of Sri RJ Rathnakar to Karnataka | Day 2 - Honavara
India - Visit of Sri RJ Rathnakar to Karnataka | Day 1 - Mangalore
Mauritius-Blood Donation Drives for first 2 weeks of May 2022
New Zealand - May is Liquid Love month
Australia - 400 birthing kits for mothers in Africa